Explore Thane provides a local business directory with additional features like share offers and hot deals. Our City-wise business search option helps its users to find their wants and needs within the city with the best possible option. The classified business listing in numerous business categories like Foods & Drinks, Fashion & Lifestyle, Electronics, Doctors, Education, Beauty, Industrials, Travel & Transport, Services, etc. So users can source products and services and also get information about their requirements.
In the digital marketing era, every business enterprise must have its digital address and Explore Thane help Business Entities as well SME’s to establish their businesses digitally by listing on our portal at nominal cost with the simplified method.
Business enterprises can easily register their business and upload their latest offers and deals on our portal and grow their business speedily by reaching their target customers. Our platform connects customers and business entities to fulfill their demands.
Explore Thane provides its unique feature to emergency services in a city like Municipal Corporation, fire brigade, Police Station, Blood Bank to send push notification to all its users in that city to send the notice or alert them in emergency situations.
- Our Mission
For Users – To provide free of cost latest, fast and reliable information about suppliers and latest offers and deals within the city as well as connected to emergency services.
Business Entities – Provide the listing of their business entities with added features to promote their business within the city with their exclusive offers and deals. For Emergency Services –To inform local citizens by publishing notice or alert them in an emergency situation.
Additional Services to Hospital/Blood Bank or NGOs – Hospitals and Blood banks can send the request to the public for the emergency requirements of blood or any social need.
- Our Vision
We have a simple and honest vision to make individual life simple and easier for offering our best quality services and to help local businesses to grow faster way and compete with the digital market along with users/buyer’s satisfaction to get the best product and service as they need.